Monday, November 24, 2008

Homework Chapter 7

"I'll be you've got a lot of theories, Come on, reconstruct the crime. There we were at the tree. Then what happened, Sherlock Holmes?" -Gene (91)

The quote made me laugh a lot because of Gene's sarcastic and humorous way of speaking. Not only is he, his normal self, but he starts to show traits like Finny.Gene is trying to get his way out of an issue, by being funny and managing to get out of it. This shows how Gene's psychotic obsession with Finny is playing out, by becoming him.

What is going to happen to Gene since Finny is back to Devon?

Homework Chapter 6

"Listen pal, if I can't play sports, you're going to play them for me." Finny (85)

The quote shows how determined Finny is in his friendship with Gene. Finny wants Gene to fulfill Finny's dream by playing sports. He wants the best for Gene. He then realizes in this point of the story that he needs to become a part of Finny. When that was said it was weird because he starting to show his obsession with Phineas.

My question is Will Gene try to split his personality and turn into Phineas?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Homework 11/20

quote: "Oh no, I wouldn't do that, and that was the most false thing, the biggest lie of all."

The quote I chose is after Gene admitted to Finny that he shook the limb. He had to play it off saying that he was out of it and he was speaking out of lack of sleep. Then Gene said he had to go back to Devon and he was late. Finny just said when did you start following the rules. The quote made me have a weird feeling about Gene. He made his character feel less trustworthy and how he would lie to Finny like that. His actions just show that he tells Finny one thing and just does not do it. Kind of like being two-faced. I don't know but he gives me a weird vibe.

Question: Will Gene's confession come back up in a later time? and Will Gene do something else that will hurt or effect Finny badly?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

homework 11/18

quote: "Come out a little way, " he said, "and then we'll jump side by side." Finny (59)
This is an adventerous move by Finny. Gene was frightened from jumping out of the tree was asked to jump out of it with Finny. This shows how Gene puts much faith in Finny and they both try to jump out of the tree together. This shows the faith Gene puts in him and how much Finny influences Gene to go things. This quote also reminds me of a "separate peace" like we metioned in class because we see them doing an adventerous thing together. Also this shows how the boys friendship is getting closer together, but then Finny's drastic falling happens :[

Question: What's going to happen to Finny after the fall?

Monday, November 17, 2008

homework 11/17

Quote: "Yes he had practically saved my life. He had also practically lost it for me." (33)

The quote I believe is foreshadowing a future event that may happen to Finny. The narrator, Gene, is speaking about how Finny saved him from falling. The second part of the statement struck me because of him saying how he practically lost his life for Finny. This seems that something bad might happen to him. Hopefully he this will not result in death.

My question is Do they kids have summer academic classes or do they get to hang around and go to events and play sports?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

homework 11/17

"It's you, pal," Finny said to me at last, "just you and me."
The quote is when Gene and Finny realize that they were best friends. They seem to have a close bond, and they seem like they are going to be doing crazy things and getting into trouble doing it.
I have two questions 1. Is the school all boys or co-ed? 2. Does anything bad happen to Finny or Gene?

Gene: caring, believer, sarcastic, kind, and honest. "I never backed down anything in my life."
Phineas: brave, funny, adventurous, speaks his mind, and caring. "If i do it, you're all going to do it, aren't you?"