Wednesday, February 25, 2009

part dos chapters cuatro and cinco :)

"One never saw a double bed nowadays except in the home of proles. Winston had occasionally slept in one in his boyhood; Julia had never been in one before, so far as she could remember" (143).

This quote is significant because it represents how Julia and Winston's time eras differ. Winston had stated that he slept in a double bed before, meaning the time before the party. Julia had never slept in one, during the reign of the party. The two characters childhoods were in different eras, meaning that Winston had memories of life before the party. Julia grew up during the party's rule, and did not have the privilege to sleep in a double bed, and could not experience it as a child.

lunacy:insanity; mental disorder
contralto:the lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate between soprano and tenor.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

part dos chapter tres !

"Not physically. Six months, a year- five years, conceivably. I am afraid of death" (136).

The quote shows how Winston is a human, and does fear things. I think the quote is significant because Winston's statement of I am afraid of death shows that he is overwhelmed and scared of the party. The party's control over everything actually puts a fear into many people, and they believe anything you do to disobey to the party will result in death.

1.lagged:to fail to maintain a desired pace or to keep up; fall or stay behind
2.dung:excrement, esp. of animals; manure.

Monday, February 23, 2009

part dos chapter uno

"On it written, in large unformed handwriting: I love you" (108).
This statement is ground breaking for Winston, because as he has repeated in part one was that he hated women. Now he saw the woman that fell off her bike and he has feelings for her. This woman that now came into his life is planning something on Sunday that is going to affect Winston in the future.

falsifying:to make false or incorrect, esp. so as to deceive
farthings: A coin formerly used in Great Britain worth one fourth of a penny.


"There was a word for it in Newspeak: ownlife, it was called, meaning individualism and eccentricity" (82).

The quote shows how the erase of language is taken place throughout the book. They fact that the party can change anything instantly. Winston realizes that the party and its new language can erase the adjectives a person would describe themseleves as, but as an equal person.

preliminary:preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory
Eccentricity:an oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct

Thursday, February 12, 2009

chapter 5 & 6 !

"By 2050 - earlier, probably - all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed." (53)

The quote spoken by Syme, who Winston constantly says he is going to be vaporized. The quote is significant because Syme is full of a lot of knowledge that is suppose to be erased. The fact that Winston constantly says he will be vaporized shows that Syme is loyal to big brother, but his intellect takes over him.

venerated: to regard or treat with reverence; revere.

zeal:fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1984 chapters 2 &3 :)

quote: "He, Winston Smith knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as a short time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist?" (34).

The quote I chose is significant because in the beginning of the story, people/ events that happened and were not suppose to, vanished. Also they were not suppose to talk about it. If that is the case why does Winston this detail of the past. This statement shows that Winston has different ways of thinking and how he remembers things that were suppose to be gone, but can't remember if he is 39 or 40.

1.) comrade : noun a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend.

2.) spanner- wrench
