Wednesday, February 25, 2009

part dos chapters cuatro and cinco :)

"One never saw a double bed nowadays except in the home of proles. Winston had occasionally slept in one in his boyhood; Julia had never been in one before, so far as she could remember" (143).

This quote is significant because it represents how Julia and Winston's time eras differ. Winston had stated that he slept in a double bed before, meaning the time before the party. Julia had never slept in one, during the reign of the party. The two characters childhoods were in different eras, meaning that Winston had memories of life before the party. Julia grew up during the party's rule, and did not have the privilege to sleep in a double bed, and could not experience it as a child.

lunacy:insanity; mental disorder
contralto:the lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate between soprano and tenor.

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