Wednesday, January 14, 2009

5.1 -5.2

Othello: "I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this,/ Killing myself, to die upon a kiss." (5.2 354 - 355)

The quote means that Othello shows his final goodbye. I'm completely lost of the fact that Iago managed to stay alive, and practically everyone else died. I was so mad that he killed his wife too!

1.) reprobation: dammination

2.)notorious: out & out

Monday, January 12, 2009

4.2 - 4.3

Desdemona: "No as I am a Christian!/ If to perserve this vessel for my lord/ From any other foul unlawful touch/ Be not to be a strumpet, I am none."
Othello: "What not a whore?" ( 4.2 80- 84)

If I was Desdemona I would be extremely mad for being called a whore. She doesn't understand the fact that he husband is stuck under Iago's trance of lies. When he accuses her of cheating she denies it and was pretty mad. Iago's plan is quickly unfolding, and Desdemona's death could be approaching.

motive: cause
commoner: prostitute


Cassio: This is the monkeys on giving out. She is/ persuaded I will marry her out of her own love and/ flattery, not out of my promise." ( 4.1 129-131)

The quote represents how Iago made Othello hide away while he made Cassio talk about Bianca, but made it sound like it was Desdemona. This is like an episode of One Tree Hill or something. There is so much drama. It makes me want to yell at everyone and warn them what is going on. Iago, I have to admit is a pretty good villan.

hobbyhorse: prostitute
bawd: procuress

3.1 - 3.3

othello: "Avant! Be Gone! Thou hast set me on the/ rack./ I swear 'tis better to be much abused/ than but to know't a little." (3.3 332 - 333)

The quote tells how Othello is saying to Iago, you are putting me in the most awkward postion. Iago still deserves a slap. He is making Othello believe his crazy lies and is causing so much hurt. He tells Iago that he is believing that what he doesn't know doesn't hurt him.

1.) owedest: possesed
2.) poppy: drowsy

2.2 - 2.3

Cassio: "Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have/ lost my reputation ! I have lost the immortal part of /myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation,/ Iago, my reputation." (2.3 261-264)

This is when Cassio realizes oh crap i screwed up completely. This quote makes me want to punch Iago. He ruins everyones life and just tries to get what he wants. He is very manipulative and deserves a slap. He is a modern day home wrecker.

1.) imposition: external thing
2.) quillets: puns


Iago: "If I can fasten but one cup upon him/ With that which he hath drunk tonight already,/ He"ll be as full of quarrel and offense/ As my young mistress' dog. Now, my sick fool/ Roderigo,/ Whom love hath turned almost the wrong side out,/ To Desdemona hath tonight caroused/ Potations pottle-deep, and he's to watch./Three else of Cyprus, noble swelling spirits,/ That hold their honors in a wary distance,/ The very elements of this warlike isle,? Have I tonight flustered with flowing cups,/ And they watch too. Now, 'mongst this flock of/ drunkards/ Am I to put our cassio in some action/ That may offend the isle. But here they come."

This extremly long quote that took me twenty minutes to type, is about how Iago first puts one of his evil scam, silloqys together. He talks about how he is going to make all the main characters fight and turn against each other. This is pretty messed up and shows how Iago is completely messed up in the head.

1.) pottle - deep: to the bottom of the cup
2.) rouse: drink

Thursday, January 8, 2009


"But jealous souls willnot be answered so;/ They are not ever jealous for the cause,/ But jealous for they're jealous. It is a monster/ Begot upon itself, born on itself." Emila 3.4 (158 - 161)

The quote above represents how Emila and Desdemona discuss how Othello's behavior of jealousy. Emila uses the words above carefully and shows how Othello is beginning to show these emotions and the affects its having on the new bride. Iago's plan is working right into place, and it shows how he can manipulate anyone to get his way.

Two words : sequester to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement; seclude.

2. catechize : to instruct orally by means of questions and answers, esp. in Christian doctrine.