Monday, January 12, 2009


Iago: "If I can fasten but one cup upon him/ With that which he hath drunk tonight already,/ He"ll be as full of quarrel and offense/ As my young mistress' dog. Now, my sick fool/ Roderigo,/ Whom love hath turned almost the wrong side out,/ To Desdemona hath tonight caroused/ Potations pottle-deep, and he's to watch./Three else of Cyprus, noble swelling spirits,/ That hold their honors in a wary distance,/ The very elements of this warlike isle,? Have I tonight flustered with flowing cups,/ And they watch too. Now, 'mongst this flock of/ drunkards/ Am I to put our cassio in some action/ That may offend the isle. But here they come."

This extremly long quote that took me twenty minutes to type, is about how Iago first puts one of his evil scam, silloqys together. He talks about how he is going to make all the main characters fight and turn against each other. This is pretty messed up and shows how Iago is completely messed up in the head.

1.) pottle - deep: to the bottom of the cup
2.) rouse: drink

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