Thursday, January 8, 2009


"But jealous souls willnot be answered so;/ They are not ever jealous for the cause,/ But jealous for they're jealous. It is a monster/ Begot upon itself, born on itself." Emila 3.4 (158 - 161)

The quote above represents how Emila and Desdemona discuss how Othello's behavior of jealousy. Emila uses the words above carefully and shows how Othello is beginning to show these emotions and the affects its having on the new bride. Iago's plan is working right into place, and it shows how he can manipulate anyone to get his way.

Two words : sequester to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement; seclude.

2. catechize : to instruct orally by means of questions and answers, esp. in Christian doctrine.

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